Wild Isards
Summer Sensations Activity Camps
Hey there, super parents! ☺️
All our camps will be in English and suitable for all levels. A great way to improve English is to be immersed in it, especially with a mix of native and non-native children and filling the days with fun activities and creative crafts.
Options include:
Ages: (6 to 11); (3 - 5 years old subject to numbers)
1 - Full days (9h - 17h) *lunch included, 225€
2 - Half days (9h - 12.30), 175€; or *lunch included (9h - 14h), 200€
Click the button to download our booking form.
Then just print it, complete it, and send it over to
(Subject to availability)
So, you're ready to register for a workshop or a camp now?
Summer Sensations, August
Summer Sensations, September
This week the focus is on the best of summer! The children will have every opportunity to create the experiences and memories that define summertime. We will finish the summer with a BANG. Without a doubt, they will be able to return to school with many exciting stories to share with their school friends.
Highlights include:
Fun Day at Mont Magic
Biking (and Scooters) Workshop
Swimming Pool
Arts & Crafts
Team Building Activities
British Sports Day

Did you know we have special discounts for siblings and for multiple weeks? We also offer the possibility of payment plans. Get in touch with us today to find out more!
On very rare occasions, camps can be subject to the effect of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances. If a camp does not operate for any reason, clients will be offered a full refund or an alternative week.
School Holiday Activities & Camps
Spring Spectacular Camp
19 - 22 April
Ages: 4 to 12
What better way to enjoy the school holiday than to spring into action and start a new adventure with the Wild Isards?! To help us welcome this spectacular season of spring, the children will get creative with things we find outside as well as Helen's endless supply of crafting materials.
Fingers crossed we can find some muddy puddles to jump into!
1 - Full days (9h - 17h) lunch included, 185€
2 - Full days (9h -12.30 & 14h -17h) no lunch, 165€
3 - Half days (9h - 12.15), 145€
4 - Half days (9h - 13.30h) lunch included, 165€

Wild Isards Campus d’Anglès
Hey there, super parents! ☺️
Totes les nostres colònies seran en anglès i aptes per a tots els nivells. Una bona manera de millorar l'anglès és submergir-s'hi, amb una barreja de nens nadius i no nadius i omplint els dies d'activitats divertides i manualitats creatives.
Les opcions inclouen:
Edats: (6 a 11); (3-5 anys subjecte a nombres)
1 - Jornades completes (9h - 17h) *dinar inclòs, 225€
2 - Mitg dies (9h - 12.30), 175€; o amb *dinar inclòs (9h - 14h), 200€
Summer Sensations, Agost
Summer Sensations, Setembre
Aquesta setmana ens centrarem en el millor de l’estiu! Els nens tindran totes les oportunitats de viure les experiències i records que defineixen les vacances estiuenques. Acabarem l’estiu amb magnificiència! La tornada a l’escola serà plena d’anècdotes emocionants per compartir amb els amics!
Activitats destacades:
Arts i manualitats
Jocs d'aigua
Dia d’esports britànics tradicionals
SETEMBRE 02 - 06

Sabíeu que tenim descomptes especials per a germans i múltiples setmanes? També oferim la possibilitat de plans de pagament. Poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres avui per saber-ne més!
En molt poques ocasions, els campaments poden estar subjectes a l'efecte del mal temps o de circumstàncies imprevistes. Si un campament no funciona per qualsevol motiu, se'ls oferirà als clients un reemborsament complet o una setmana alternativa.